3 Products

  • from Assembly
    200g | Timor-Leste

    Baht 840

    Notes ― Honeyed Fig + Lemon Curd + Bold
    Origin ― Timor-Leste
    Varietal ― Hibrido de Timor, Moka, Typica

    Altitude ― 1,400-1,600 masl

    Process ― Washed

    Filter ― 200g

    See Brew Guide for this coffee

  • from SEY
    250g | Ethiopia

    Baht 1,080

    Notes ― Jasmine + Nectarine + Limeade
    Origin ― Ethiopia
    Varietal ― Ethiopian Landrace
    Altitude ― 2,300 masl

    Process ― Hand picked at peak ripeness. Floated to further remove defects and depulped on the day of harvest. Wet fermented for 36-72 hours. Dried on raised beds for 9-12 days until the coffee reaches ~10% moisture content

    Filter ― 250g

    See Brew Guide for this coffee

  • from Assembly
    200g | Colombia

    Baht 920

    Notes ― Red Berries + Caramel + Silky
    Origin ― Colombia
    Varietal ― Caturra Chiroso

    Altitude ― 1,850-1,950 masl

    Process ― Washed Dry Fermentation

    Filter ― 200g

    See Brew Guide for this coffee